Building Your Dreams into Reality
Finance Services
Financial Planning: Financial advisors assist individuals and businesses in creating plans to meet long-term financial goals, such as retirement, education, or expansion. Investment Management: Finance experts manage investment portfolios to maximize returns while minimizing risks. Corporate Finance: This involves helping businesses with capital structure, funding, and financial strategy, including mergers and acquisitions. Accounting and Tax Advisory: Financial consultants offer expertise in accounting, tax planning, and compliance with financial regulations. Risk Assessment and Management: Finance professionals identify financial risks and devise strategies to mitigate them, ensuring business continuity and compliance.

X Office for Justice, Peace and INSPECTORS cOUNCIL (JPIC)
Ultimate Indenture Trustee: XOX 769200-01999 DEPARTMENT OF ORDER OF NEW JERUSALRM O.F.M. 1575 I St NW Ste 230 Washington 20005 D-U-N-S® Number: 003749552 Indenture Trustee: XOX 769200-01999 ORDER OF NEW JERUSALEM O.F.M. Government of The United States D-U-N-S® Number: 161906193 Principle: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington DC 20500 Ultimate Parent Company: X 769201-01999 Order of New Jerusalem X O.F.M. EIN: 33-0540586 Office of the Inspector General D-U-N-S number: 041576492 Principle: 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 4436 Washington 20220 DOT INSPECTOR GENERAL OIG D-U-N-S number: 071969873 Principle: 2740 Centerview Dr Rm 307B Tallahassee 32399 Foreign Trustee TR.: 769203-01999 Order of New Jerusalem X Tribe O.F.M. EIN: 98-6123738 United States Dept of Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington 20220 D-U-N-S® Number: 003254885 Foreign Trustee Co.: X 769201-01999 Order of New Jerusalem X O.F.M. EIN USG, OOO Registration Number 1067449046158 Chelyabinsk 454006 Principle: 110 str. 1 ofis 512, ul. Rossiskaya D-U-N-S® Number: 682912508 Nonprofit: 769200-01999 OX Order of New Jerusalem X World Ministries O.F.M.; USA EIN: 80-0540586 This agreement formalizes responsibilities between entities under shared leadership, to fill IG Vacancies with operations overseen by Council of the inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency (O.F.M.) by Postmaster Generals (RSE):
769203-01999 X [Order of New Jerusalem X Tribe O.F.M.] X3738Â 769200-01999 XO 7692014-14999 Senior Director RSE Trustee (9) X0586 769206999 X Fr. Arnold, Breanda RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 769207999 X Fr. Lawrence, Melissa RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 769208999 X Fr. LAWRENCE, TARREZ RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 769209999 X Fr. Tate, Tressa RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR MINISTER GENERAL 7692010999 X Fr. Johnson, SueAnne RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR, Minister General 7692011999 X Fr. Armon, Monquie RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 7692012999 X Fr. Ingram, Angela RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 7692013999 X Fr. Wilson, Joel RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 7692014999 X Fr. Arnold, Carolyn RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR Minister General 769200-01999 X 7692-0999 Private Director Member RSE X OFM, DIRECTOR